Vitalism isn't just a philosophy; it's a way of life. Living vitalistically means that you must consciously consider everything that you ingest, whether it's a food or a thought. Everything you put into your mind and body ... affects the body

Monday, September 20, 2010

Work smarter not harder

Have you often looked at just what your doing whether its how you sit at your desk or how you walk and really thought about the actual movement itself. Could you be doing the same thing day in day out just because that's the way you've always been doing it? It might be time to look at things from a different perspective and look at doing it smarter not harder. A small adjustment in the "how" might lead to long term better posture and muscle tone, let alone not causing you any amount of pain.

Take for example the example of sitting at your desk. Been doing that for ages? Spend alot of time at the keyboard tapping away and then using the mouse with a death grip? How about changing hands to use the mouse? Do you think your other hand is totally useless, that it would be too hard, that you wouldn't be able to work as fast? Well lets think about that, just how fast were you when you first started to use the computer, how dexterous were you. It's all a matter of training. Start with those activities that you can take your time on - maybe reading through your emails and get the hang of just scrolling with the mouse in the other hand. Then add another activity every other day as you get used to things, switching back as you lose correct form. Remember you want to work smarter not harder.

Then as you build up strength and speed you can increase the amount of time that you spend with the mouse in the other hand. Your dominant hand does a fair more work than the other hand does, so sharing the load helps reduce the overloading and provides you with a chance to do things differently and correct long standing poor habits.

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