Vitalism isn't just a philosophy; it's a way of life. Living vitalistically means that you must consciously consider everything that you ingest, whether it's a food or a thought. Everything you put into your mind and body ... affects the body

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nutritional Cleansing unlocks the miracle of the human body

Nutritional Cleansing unlocks the miracle of the human body

Nutritional Cleansing increases the health benefits you’ll receive from the ancient health practice of cleansing. The herbs, vitamins and minerals that aid cleansing do two things:

·         Accelerate the removal of impurities from the body.

·         Nourish the body with vital nutrients to rapidly revive health.

A cleansed and revitalized body is stronger; resists illness better, is more efficient and performs at a higher level than one that is filled with impurities.

 A healthy body is like a finely tuned engine. The problem is if you don’t maintain it and remove the junk that builds up from every day wear and tear, you're likely to stall.

Jennifer Jefferies ND explains that a body struggling with a toxins overload causes an inflammation response in the whole body, and left there long enough you can experience even more serious health issues.

As a Chiropractor I have focused on a healthy lifestyle and supporting that with nutritional cleansing has made the world of difference. Years of dealing with Irritable Bowel syndrome and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome had left my body struggling for air sometimes. The Isagenix nutritional cleansing program has meant that my system works efficiently and effortlessly without stress. 

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